I can make a few presumptions about why you’ve landed here:
- You’re curious by nature and tend to click buttons just to see what happens. (Respect)
- You’re a bot scouring the internet. (Shoo)
- You’re actually interested in supporting a fiction writer.
If that last one describes you, please continue.
Look, I’ll get straight to it, making it as a fiction writer is hard, especially today. Consider that, with all of our human ingenuity, we are developing artificial intelligence not to make our daily lives less of a grind but to automate creativity.
That’s weird, right? At least I think so.
Here’s the part where I, a fiction writer, would say, “please buy my books,” and you can do that if you wish. Also, you can throw me a few bucks for a coffee (which I drink a lot of) here.
But if you aren’t able to spare any cash, I totally get that. There are many more ways you can support me.
- Rate and review my books on Amazon.
- Add, rate, and review my books on Goodreads.
- Follow me on Bluesky.
- Subscribe to my Substack newsletter.
- Tell a friend about my sweet texts.
- Send me your thoughts about anything of mine on social media or email to timothyjohnsonfiction (at) gmail (dot) com. Sometimes, the best support is simply knowing the creative circuit closed and all the work meant something to someone somewhere.
And you know what? Don’t stop with me. If you like any writer—heck, any artist—there’s a good chance you can help them in many ways without spending a dime. I hope you’ll take a few moments to do that, even if it’s not for me.
In the end, reading is the best support any writer can receive, so if you’ve made it this far, thank you! I appreciate you.
Of course, if you really want to make a difference in the world and art doesn’t do it for you, find a good charity here.