It’s a bit ironic, but I don’t think it’s atypical that a writer falls off of his blog writing activity, so I don’t feel too bad about neglecting you. Still, I do feel bad. Like, pretty bad. On a scale of 1 to bad, I give myself a C – in feelings.
Just so we’re clear about that.
So how have you been? I’ve been well. Unfortunately, the reason I’ve been so silent is I’m in between projects right now. That doesn’t mean 2016 will be as uneventful as 2015. On the contrary.
I’m about finished with novel number two. I know! I just need to get to it already, right!? Most of my contemporaries have published two or three novels since Carrier hit the e-commerce warehouse shelves, and you know what? I feel really bad about that. Probably worse than I feel about neglecting you. Like, an F – – -. No, that isn’t a four-letter word. It’s an F triple minus. But it could also be a four-letter word.
Wait, wait, wait. Let me explain. Here’s the hitch in my giddy-up: When I did Carrier, it was my first novel, and it was way more ambitious than I was capable of. I grew a lot as a writer, but unfortunately, writing it took a long time (and many frustrating iterations). I think the end result was worth it.
Well, I’ve done it again. Novel number two is even bigger than Carrier, and I think it’s better, too. I’m extremely eager to share it with everyone, but I’m holding back while I work out my options for how to get it into your amazingly smooth and supple hands. Soon(TM).
But what’s this? I’m talking about Carrier in the past tense as if it’s over, but it isn’t. There’s some exciting news to come in the Carrier universe. Is it a sequel? No. I’ll go ahead and kill that dream right now (it’s my dream, but I’ve gotten a few questions about continuing that storyline). Stay tuned for that. (Legal Disclaimer: The previous sentence is not a guarantee of author producing a Carrier sequel. By writing the previous sentence, author commits to only updating audience on forthcoming Carrier developments.)
I also feel inclined to mention I helped Craig DiLouie edit the sequel to his 2015 novella, Crash Dive. It’s called Silent Running, and if you hurry over to Amazon, you can preorder it. I really enjoyed Crash Dive, and Silent Running is a worthy successor.
Elsewhere this year, I’ve got several short stories in the pipeline for publication, and I plan to keep truckin’. I’ve already begun novel number three, and I’m scaling back the ambition a bit. It may even end up being novella length, so I hope to finish that this year. No promises or contractual obligations. You also can look forward to more frequent updates here and at my Facebook and Twitter pages. By now, you’ve probably realized this whole post was a post for posting’s sake, but I prefer to think of it as a 2016 kickstarter.
I’m only a month late.
What? There are whole galaxies that we can’t see because they haven’t bothered to send us their light yet, and they’ve had since the beginning of time! And there’s your fun space fact of the day.
We’ll talk again soon.