In times such as these, it’s easy to forget you need to take care of yourself, so here is a poem I wrote that I think is kind of nice. It’s about being stuck between a storm and sunshine with a dog. I hope it brings you a few moments of joy and perhaps something to think about today.
The Whole Damn World
Each moment we’re out here,
sheltered in the shade of tree canopies,
insistent sun baking pavement rainfall,
life’s ambient anthem playing in audible particle collisions
to make wing flaps, insect swells, breath drawn into arterial corridors,
exhaled in pulses,
stolen in atmospheric currents,
gripped by leaves,
channeled by branch,
and sucked by root,
I wish he would just pee already
so we can go back inside
where it’s cool
and quiet,
and the air is filtered,
and the sounds of neighborly chats
and combustion engines
and lovers loving
and playful children’s thunderous footsteps
are muted
and heavy curtains made from synthetic materials
and dusted with shed skin cells
reject the sun because we like to sleep through mornings and
extract some peace
when we think there is none to be had.
Maybe all he wants in the whole damn world
is to stand beneath this oak tree
paws planted in musty mulch
sniffing the honeysuckle wind
hearing each raindrop as it tremendously pats one of a million leaves
breathing the steam and mist of a daylight storm
watching cars that don’t belong pass by
ensuring they pass by
because, he thinks,
if not for this leash,
he would chase them off,
and wouldn’t that be a glorious morning for everyone involved,
if not for the leash?
And maybe he’s not as greedy as I am
to want the whole damn world
but just a piece of it,
and maybe it’s the greatest gift
I can give him
to let him have it.
And me too.